Cover Reveals & Release Day Countdown!
Liz Douitsis Liz Douitsis

Cover Reveals & Release Day Countdown!

Today it’s officially ONE MONTH until books 1-3 of the Naked Truth Poetry series are released!

To celebrate, I’m excited to do a cover reveal for books Two and Three, with a special Sneak Peek from Book One.

But first things first—these gorgeous covers!

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How My Romance-Poetry Series Shatters the Prince Charming Cliche
Liz Douitsis Liz Douitsis

How My Romance-Poetry Series Shatters the Prince Charming Cliche

You know the story: good girl meets bad boy, bad boy is, in fact, a sexy and smart-mouthed bad boy—until he isn’t—about two thirds of the way through the book, he makes a 180 degree and often completely out-of-character turn around and becomes everything the heroine always wanted. He’s now a perfect gentleman, as dependable as a robot with an implanted heart of gold, with zero character or history of his own, since all of his problems and drama, and oftentimes personality, simply evaporated for the sake of his new girlfriend and the novel’s happy ending. This is what I call The Prince Charming Cliche.

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Why my Romance-Poetry Series is Full of Explicit Sexuality
Liz Douitsis Liz Douitsis

Why my Romance-Poetry Series is Full of Explicit Sexuality

Like I said in my first blog post, I write what I like to read. However, most of the sex in the romance novels I’ve read is highly unrealistic. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking to escapism romance with an appetite for disappointment and a harsh taste of reality. But it never ceases to annoy me when the shy and inexperienced heroine gets hot and heavy with the selfish bad boy, who magically knows exactly how, when and where to touch her and never fails to give her an earth-shattering orgasm in less than five minutes with little to no foreplay, emotional connection, or level of trust.

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A Poetry-Romance Book Series—What It Is and Why I Wrote It
Liz Douitsis Liz Douitsis

A Poetry-Romance Book Series—What It Is and Why I Wrote It


you’re addicted to another person, you’re infatuated and obsessed

you know it’s not love, but it’s feels like nothing less

than your world revolving around them like the earth spinning around the sun

you need them for survival, but they’re just here for the fun . . .

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